​Thankyou all for your support and contirbutions !!!
Learning center -2024 to provide basic education to irular tribes kids in rural areas -108000
Celebrated Diwali with our Learning Center kids and their families- distributed #New_Dresses , #Crackers and #Sweets. to #25_kids_families. -32000 INR
Supported 14 Education request to support needy 2,66,000 INR
Supported Orphanage kids to provide 3 litres of milk on daily basis-2024 - 36,000 INR
Supported 8 Medical request to support needy for treatment - 89,700 INR

Supported a needy kid to get a tube for food intake - spent #11300 INR.
Supported old lady for medical treatment -spent #10000 INR
Supported a needy student with 13000 INR to support DMLT education.​
Needy aged 47 with a stroke staying in an old age home in Tanjore , TN- Supported with 15,000 INR for physiotherapy and medicine.
Supported a needy student with 23000 INR to pay fees for B.A Economics 2nd year
Supported a needy student with 18000 INR to pay fees for B.E Civil Engineering final year
Supported needy women to start small shop for living 6000 INR
Supported a needy student with 23000 INR to pay fees for B.Sc Physics first year
Supported a needy student with 10000 INR to pay fees for 9th std.
Supported a needy student with 20000 INR to continue education
Supported a needy student with 15000 INR to continue education
Supported a needy student with 20000 INR to continue education
Supported with 20,000 INR for physiotherapy and medicine-Needy aged 50 with a stroke staying in an old age home in Tanjore , TN
Supported needy aged 60+ with 9,000 INR for Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment
Supported a needy student with 25000 INR to pay fees for Diploma in Optometry - 2nd year
Supported a needy student with 20000 INR to pay fees for BCA - 1st year
Supported needy aged 60+ with 3,400 INR for Medical treatment
Vshare team celebrated Diwali with our Learning Center kids and their families and distributed #New_Dresses , #Crackers and #Sweets. to #25_kids_families.Spent 32,000 INR
Supported needy with 10,000 INR for Medical treatment
Supported needy aged 45+ with 15,000 INR for Medical treatment
Supported a needy student with 16000 INR to continue education
Supported a needy student with 36000 INR to continue education in Teacher Training.
Supported a needy student with 29000 INR to continue education in BCA​​